'iPhone MBProgressHUD'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2010.07.21 MBProgressHUD


iOS/Skills 2010. 7. 21. 19:54

원본: http://github.com/jdg/MBProgressHUD
출처: http://www.devpia.com/MAEUL/Contents/Detail.aspx?BoardID=7462&MAEULNO=911&no=52297&page=1


MBProgressHUD is an iPhone drop-in class that displays a translucent HUD with a progress indicator and some optional labels while work is being done in a background thread. The HUD is meant as a replacement for the undocumented, private UIKit UIProgressHUD with some additional features.


Adding MBProgressHUD to your project

The simplest way to add the MBProgressHUD to your project is to directly add the MBProgressHUD.h and MBProgressHUD.m source files to your project.

  1. Download the latest code version from the repository (you can simply use the Download Source button and get the zip or tar archive of the master branch).
  2. Extract the archive.
  3. Open your project in Xcode, than drag and drop MBProgressHUD.h and MBProgressHUD.m to your classes group (in the Groups & Files view).
  4. Make sure to select Copy items when asked.


A full Xcode demo project is included in the Demo directory. This should give you an idea how to use the class.

Posted by 독뽀